5 foods that increase blood sugar level quickly, population

5 foods that increase blood sugar level quickly, population

Low-G foods have a score of 55 or less, while any food with a score of 70 and above is considered a high-G food.

Adults are advised to stay away from sugary foods because the amount of sugar in the body increases rapidly. Not only sugary people but also people with sugary foods should avoid sugary foods. But if you think that only eating sweets increases your blood sugar level, then you are thinking wrong. There are many foods that are not available but can also cause a spike in your blood sugar level. So if you are a sugar patient or you are at risk, then not only do you have to eat sugary foods but there are many other foods that can protect you.

To know more about this, we spoke to Abhishek Batra, who has been practising in the Department of Dietetics and Theological Institute for more than 15 years.

Any food over 70 is considered a high GI food. Image: Shutterstock

Archaeologist Abhishek Batra says that people of SAARC are also advised to avoid carb eaters. They cannot even consume too many carbs. Carb-rich foods are converted into glucose in our body, the amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat in a food all impact the food’s blood glucose levels. All these factors play a role in determining a food’s glycemic index (GI), a ranking of how quickly it raises blood glucose levels than straight glucose. Low-G foods have a score of 55 or less, while any food with a score of 70 and above is considered a high-G food.

5 foods that can increase your blood sugar levels (foods that increase blood sugar levels)

1 grain

White bread, white rice, iodised foods and other foods made with white flour have had the starch and other key nutrients removed. Your blood sugar levels can be increased. Kutha contains added vitamins and minerals, but it is still known to have a high glycemic component. High-GI foods are digested quickly and, as a result, they are more likely to raise blood sugar.

2 soft soft drinks

Soft drinks such as soda, energy drinks, fruit juices, sweetened teas and playful drinks contain calories, fat and sugar. Most of these contain minimal added ingredients. Drinking sugary beverages such as soda does not make you feel full and research shows that beverages often make people eat more.

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The average sugary soda or fruit drink often contains 150 calories, almost all of which are due to added sugar. The study suggests that one drink a day for a year and not cutting back on other calories could lead to a 5-pound weight gain in a year, plus the habit can increase the risk of type 2 alcoholism, heart disease and many medications.

3 Warehouse

Foods can often contain very high amounts of added sugar. This is very different from natural glucose. Natural glucose such as lactose in milk and mathri or fructose in leaves is fine, but too much added sugar can cause a spike in blood glucose.

Sometimes you can also eat potato and corn chutney. Image: Shutterstock


Nutrient-rich foods are a must, and we know we need foods rich in them in our diets. A recent study found that people who ate more fruit and healthy foods had a lower risk of conditions like dementia and death. The reason for this was diabetes.

Does this mean you should never eat potatoes or strawberry vegetables? Potatoes are rich in nutrients and can definitely be included in your diet. Try the factory with less galactic exit time and sometimes you can eat potato and corn medicines.

5 Baked Foods

Solids, cakes, and other foods are great, but they can be very dangerous for your blood sugar and provide very little nutritional value. They are very high in sugar, so they are digested quickly and left over, which can cause your blood sugar to spike.

Also read- Lotus cucumber can be eaten during fasting, check out these 2 fasting recipes